Lead Pastor

Stavanger Lutheran Church is in a season between Pastors. We were blessed to have Pastor Phil Peterson for 31 years, until his retirement in August 2024.

Our pastoral call committee is actively searching for a new lead pastor. 

In the interim, several men of God are standing in the gap, delivering God’s message and providing guidance and care to our congregation.

person holding a holy bible
Pastor Dick Ewing shows Floppy Bunny to our children and tells a story.

Special thanks to Rev. Dick Ewing who guides us even in his retirement.

Meet the Church Council

Take a minute to meet the church council and other members serving in various positions here.

Our church council members in a group photo.


Rick Timmons, Angie Woodin, Carver Warning (not pictured)


Kent Danielson, Gary Erickson, Scott Larsen, Shane Marik, Phoebe Weitzel

Council Secretary

Miriam Hauge

Meet the church members who hold additional positions.


Robert Jackson lead organist at Stavanger Lutheran Church.

Robert Jackson (lead organist), Judy Waters, Dave Butterfield


Shirley Jorstad

Head Ushers

Larry Peterson, Scott Larsen

Church Secretary

Brittany Chapman

Sunday School Superintendent

Abby Fugitt

Church Treasurer

Van Jackson

Mission Treasurer

Brenda McCloskey

Memorial Treasurer

Steve Jorstad

Cemetery Admin

Scott Larsen


Bruce Baker, Diane Jorstad


Phoebe Weitzel

Meet the Committees


Sharon Danielson, Jan Helland, Steve Jorstad

Pastoral Care Circle

Gary Erickson, Dick Ewing, Scott Larsen, Dee Marik, Jody Timmons, Shane Marik

Worship and Music (Lay Readers)

Melissa Andreatta, Gary Erickson, Dick Ewing, Beth Jackson, Terry Knapp, Phoebe Weitzel, Angie Woodin

Sunday School Volunteers

Stacey Baker, Sarah Farnsworth, Abby Fugitt, Adalynn Fugitt, Elizabeth Warning

Digital Outreach

Anja Carlson, Brittany Chapman, Angie Woodin

Get Involved!

Contact the church office at (815) 357-6514 for more information on how to get involved.