July 2024

Church Council Meeting

Tuesday July 2nd, at 7 pm

Stavanger Lutheran Church Women Meeting

Wednesday, July 3rd, at 1:30 pm

Monthly Bible study, meeting, and fellowship.  This month our Bible study will be lesson 5: “When I Can’t Understand Why” from the book, Don’t Follow Your Feelings.

Open to all women of the church. Drop-ins are welcome.

Guest Sermon

Sunday, July 14th at 9:30am

Craig Perryman will be with you once again to share God’s Word


Wednesday, July 24th, Noon

We are still in need of a hostess for July. If you would be willing to be the hostess, contact Shirley Vogen.

Our program will be, Stave Churches in Norway – presented by our own Mandy Beck.

Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service.

Public welcome, bring a friend!