Easter is for everyday!

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Proclaimed Martin Luther:

“Know ye, then – sin, death, the devil and everything that assails me – that you are missing the marks. I am not one of those who are afraid of you. For Christ, my dear Lord, has presented to me that triumph and victory of His by which you were laid low. And from this very gift of His I derive my name and am called a Christian. There is no other reason. My sin and death hung around His neck on Good Friday, but on the day of Easter they had completely disappeared. This victory He has bestowed on me. This is why I do not worry about you.”

Martin Luther Statue

Victory in Jesus!

These words, which Martin Luther spoke in an Easter sermon, still ring true today. A Christian faces his spiritual enemies with words of a bold defiance. Sin, death and the devil have no power over us. We have the victory in Jesus Christ. Christ has revealed, through His death and resurrection, that He has conquered the world. He has conquered all forces of evil once and for all. Jesus Christ is truly Lord of all!

In this Easter season, we rejoice in our risen Savior’s great victory. We give thanks to the Prince of Life who has assured our salvation. But the victory Easter is to be celebrated more than in this current season. Easter is for everyday! Its very breath is life and newness. In every sense, it is a new beginning. It is for all the year, for all of life. And as Christians, we have cause to celebrate each day, because this new life is ours. As Christians, we have been redeemed and we share in the victory Christ has achieved. Each day we are born anew as we relive our baptism, dying to our old sinful selves and rising to our new life in Christ. Each day we can walk in newness life, led by the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.

Hallelujah! Jesus lives and so do we!

Each day we walk in renewed confidence knowing that, indeed, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Each day we walk in renewed confidence, living our life for Christ, who grants us the power of life. Daily we draw on His strength, His love, and His resources, so that we are able to meet the demands that life throws at us. Daily we can draw on the engulfing grace of our risen Lord, who knows and understands us, who has made ample provision for our weakness and failure, and who picks us up again and again, carrying us through to victory.

Easter is a cause for daily celebration as our lives are resurrected to the power of living Lord. In Him, we have fulfillment of His promise,

“I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.”

This promise rings true every day of our lives as we walk in the light of our Lord. God has fulfilled His word through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we are, indeed, a new creation in Him. The season of Easter is, indeed, a time for celebration. Hallelujah! Jesus lives! Hallelujah! Jesus lives and so do we!

– Pastor Phil

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