Easter is for everyday!
Proclaimed Martin Luther:
“Know ye, then – sin, death, the devil and everything that assails me – that you are missing the marks. I am not one of those who are afraid of you. For Christ, my dear Lord, has presented to me that triumph and victory of His by which you were…The Mission of God’s Church Today
See the latest letter from Pastor Phil Peterson on listening for God’s guidance and responding to His call. Learn the importance of shining His light to others. Pastor Phil Peterson discusses the importance of evangelism and the mission that Jesus gave his disciples.
Noah and the Ark
Sep 29, 2020 On September 29, 2020, Pastor Phil used YouTube, an online platform, to engage children with the biblical tale of Noah and the Ark during the COVID-19 lockdown, showcasing adaptive religious teaching in the face of the pandemic. https://youtu.be/fyKiwob1ano?si=865TDiN8JuhB47Ps Here we see Pastor Phil introducing the story of Noah and the Ark to…
The Truth That Conquered Sin
On April 12th we will celebrate Easter. We celebrate the truth that conquered sin, Satan and death. He is our conquering Lord; He is the Prince of Life. And because He lives, each day brings us life and hope. One of our Easter Hymns proclaims: “Oh, fill us Lord, with dauntless love; Set heart and…
Jesus – Our All-in-All!
In my article in the Annual Report I conveyed to you my prayer for us at Stavanger this year. It is my prayer that each of us will seek to know God in an increasing level of intimacy from day to day. That we might live out the desire of the psalmist, “My soul thirsts…